Saturday 22 April 2017

Evaluation Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

At the start of AS media, we thought that wanted to join an independent production company as they have a lower budget and would make it more realistic for us to go with them. However, after being able to use a high quality camera that made our product look more professional, we decided that it would be more appropriate to choose a Hollywood production company, as they are known for their top of the line equipment.
Hollywood movies are one of the most watched in the universe, due to their high standards, equipment and quality of filming. Their audience respond very positively towards their products and this is why we thought that we would best-fit in with them. New Line Cinema was the production company that we eventually chose, as they have many movies that have made big hits in the past. For instance, A Nightmare on Elm Street, The Mask and The Conjuring. We felt that our crime thriller would fit in very well, as it is as intense as these films are. Additionally, the production company was only founded in 1967, making it quite new to the filming industry, compared to others such as Warner Bros and 20th Century Fox. We felt that this would make it much more realistic that we were to have them as our production company, as they are more likely to choose movies that require a lower budget, which is what we would need. This was also supported by the fact that they later became an independent film studio, which ultimately supported this.

When putting together our thriller, we were unsure on how we wanted it to be distributed. For instance, we had the option of making it a TV movie, a full motion picture, or make it to a standard where it would only be released onto the internet. After consideration, we came to a consensus that we wanted it to be a full motion picture. This is due to it being a very similar story line to extremely popular crime thrillers such as 'The Call' and 'Taken', which also posses the same aspects of mise-en-scene, camera shots and sound as ours did. Because of their similarities, we thought that our thriller would be acceptable enough to be featured in the cinema, as this particular story line statistically interests its audience. We also felt that due to the intensity of our thriller, it would be more effective if it was played on a big screen with large speakers, as this creates a more dramatic effect.
Because of our props that were incorporated within the thriller, we felt that there was a possibility that we could create some merchandise for our audience. For instance, our antagonists mask. People that watch our thriller might take a liking to the antagonist, and would therefore want to purchase a replica of the mask for annual holidays such as Halloween, or just for their own pleasure. This  is similar to what happened with the film called 'The Purge', as their masks are now available to be purchased online via large software's such as Amazon and eBay. This is an effective way to promote our product and form a connection with the audience.
Overall, my group and I felt that the best media institution to go with was an American one, such as The New Line Cinema, as they had a good reputation and attracted a wider audience due to their  high quality filming. This would also give us an opportunity to create some merchandise, based on our props (such as this mask) within our thriller. 

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