Friday, 20 January 2017

Title designs

Title Designs
Because crime is only briefly covered in the media, we decided to create a thriller opening. As inferior members of society, we are often marginalised from the gruesome and cruel stories of people who have been been a victim of serious crimes. As I have mentioned in previous blogs, the crime genre is one of the most watched categories on television, in movies and in books. This is because we are so interested to find out what goes on beyond the protected walls of our homes, television screens and more. Watching an antagonist in action is increasingly intriguing as it goes against common norms, values and morals. People usually can't fathom someone acting or thinking the way criminals often do. We decided 'The Disappearance' is quite an obvious title, however it does bring a sense of ambiguity and interest for the audience.

The first two film titles we were considered were in this grungy style. They are both similar, however, the size of their font is slightly different. I chose this font because it captured my attention straight away and I am hoping the audience would react to it in the same way. We chose the title 'The Disappearance', because it has not been used before and creates a sense of ambiguity as to what the story line would be. For instance, who or what disappeared? or were they found? My group and I liked the idea of using a black and white colour scheme as it makes it look like a news article, this form of media is often used to alert the public of missing person's, murders and more. I quite liked the effect it incorporated, which makes it look like the writing is rotting. It also looks like black and white splatters of blood. We thought this was effective as it symbolises crime (which is our chosen thriller genre) and also makes it look as if the person has been gone for a long time; meaning our thriller would be a detailed and long journey of finding the missing person. We were undecided of which one we preferred as they are very similar, however, I think that the larger font has more effect and brings a sense of drama to the title.

This effect on the title is very eye-catching. The bold letters ensures that the audience/consumer is able to recognise the title. This draws their attention to it and encourages them to watch the movie. One aspect of this title I particularly like is the images within it that make it look like a newspaper article. News paper articles, as mentioned before, are known for posting stories about missing person's, murders and more, meaning the audience would get an idea of the plot of the movie. Individuals who are particularly interested in crime thrillers would automatically be attracted to this title, and the effect, as it is a good representation of the genre. Additionally, the small white writing within the black font gives a sense of chaos, as if this is a big case in the media that would create an interesting and nail-biting storyline.

When searching for titles I came across this unusual effect. I found it was similar to the title 'Psycho' that I had analysed previsouly, this is due to the broken-up letters. One aspect of the Psycho title I liked was the fact that it represented the the mental state/situation of the antagonist. In this title, it is set out to look like a ransom note. As well as this being a typical convention of a crime thriller, it also suggests to the audience that the antagonist has a long history of crime, or has a 'signature' of how he communicates/threatens his victims. It could be interpreted that he has a long history of crime as he used already existing words to piece together his message, this could be because his hand writing is more likely to be identified. This makes the antagonist look increasingly clever, cunning and experienced, as he knows what precautions to take in order to avoid being caught. Therefore, it shows that the victims capturer, that made her 'disappear', will not be easily taken down. The audience will then be excited to watch such an intense storyline. 

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